Category: Info & News

The best fishing guides in Oregon

The ultimate new twitching jig from Horker Soft Baits.

Horker Soft Baits is a permier Northwest Bait maker know for soft beads and steelhead worms as well as halibut and lingcod baits. However, here over the last week Horker has launched a new product that we are very excited about. The new HSB Dragon Tail Twitcher is taking the salmon and steelhead fishing industry…
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ODFW enacts temporary changes to harvest of wild fall-run Chinook salmon in some SW Zone coastal rivers

Photo Courtesy of Columbia River Fishing Guides Nichols Guided Fishing     Hatchery salmon fishing mostly unchanged from permanent regulations   ALEM, Ore. — ODFW is enacting temporary restrictions on coastal wild adult Chinook salmon harvest in the Southwest Zone due to low forecasted returns. Chinook salmon returns have been below average the past few years…
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One hatchery steelhead limit continues upstream of The Dalles Dam till Jan. 1st

  CLACKAMAS, Ore. — Oregon and Washington fishery managers have decided to continue the one adult hatchery steelhead bag limit through March 31, 2021 for the ongoing fishery in the mainstem Columbia River from The Dalles Dam upstream to the Highway 395 Bridge near Pasco, WA. The low pre-season forecast prompted fishery managers to take…
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Six best rivers to fish for salmon in Oregon

When settlers first came to the Northwest Territory they were amazed by the vast bounty the region had to offer. Even though we no longer have to live off the land per say as hunter gatherers one of the main staples of the post still remain. Throughout a large portion of Oregon’s endless rivers and…
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Commission denies Bowman Dam fish passage waiver request

  SALEM, Ore.—The Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to deny a fish passage waiver for Bowman Dam in a split 5-1 vote at their meeting today, after hearing testimony from 28 people for and against the project. The waiver request was made by the Ochoco Irrigation District for its proposed hydroelectric project to be located…
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